Amount to be aspirated:

• A thorough preoperative assessment is essential.

• Special attention to hemoglobin levels. The initial level must be satisfactory.

• Should not exceed 10% of body mass.

• 3 to 3.5 liters remains a reasonable upper limit.

• Liposuction is equivalent to a burn with the creation of a third sector that requires proper resuscitation because there is a loss of hemoglobin and electrolytes.

Mega aspiration = mega problem

Anesthesia Modes

Local: Pay attention to the dose of lidocaine used, as a high dose can lead to cardiac rhythm disturbances.

Locoregional: To be avoided during lengthy procedures.

General: The most commonly used, with particular attention to obese patients when changing position.

Postoperative Care

  • Postoperative compression of the treated areas to reduce swelling.

• When the procedure and resuscitation are properly conducted, the recovery is straightforward.

• Early mobilization is recommended.

• Presence of swelling and bruising, especially in the lower limbs, diminishes after the 15th day.

Aesthetic Sequelae

  • Easy correction of undercorrection
  • Overcorrection (depressions)
  • Technical defects (superficial aspiration leading to adhesions, deep aspiration leading to depressions) are difficult to correct.
  • Aggravation of pre-existing defects.

Hence, a rigorous selection of patients is necessary.

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Dr Madjoudj Ahcène

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